Formerly morbidly-obese library cop turned freelance travel writer and jungle vagabond. Currently riding my tiny scooter around Asia, and writing from the rainy beaches of the Cambodian coast.
Travelogues, training, and cautionary tales for those feeling sidelined by circumstance and hoping to change their lives through travel.… Read More
So I can’t get a fruit shake?
It’s common enough to hear out here in rural Cambodia. Generally accompanied by an open hand, rotated at the wrist – the empty hand, held high for all to see, is a near universal Asian symbol for ‘don’t have’.… Read More
The temple complex at Preah Vihear is stunning. Not for the temple itself. No, that sort of grandeur comes from the behemoths of ancient architecture at Angkor Wat.
At only a mile long, Preah Vihear is dwarfed by the towering faces of Angkor, but they say sometimes it’s not the destination it’s the journey, and in this case it’s the truth.… Read More
I mean, how far off from a Bond Villain are you then? You’d just need a cat (and maybe a scar).
As I stand in the man’s bedroom I wonder if all the secret escape tunnels and machine guns made Bao Dai, the last emperor of Vietnam, sleep any more soundly at night?… Read More
Thank god for the rains. I just about couldn’t take anymore. The people. The mass of people – swarming and pressing fluidly up stairways and around columns – I feel like a drop of water in a surging sea of brown bodies.… Read More
Everybody needs a fix. I don’t care if it’s a simple cup of coffee, a cigarette, or a kale and blueberry smoothie with a shot of wheatgrass, everybody seems to need a kick in the ass sometimes.
It’s no different in he rest of the world.… Read More