The World’s Best Underoos
It’s weird to say a pair of underwear changed your life right? Well, I’m weird, and these did.
As a formerly fat guy sweltering in the Florida summers my cotton skivvies were damned uncomfortable after the first sweat (usually the walk to my car in the morning).
Moving to these, despite their cost, gave me a freedom and a comfort I had never had, this finally allowed me to get exercising and drop over 150lbs.
Once traveling the world I realized other benefits to these shorts. Firstly, the mesh washes easily in a sink and dries quickly, a must for the constantly moving traveler who cannot afford to get stuck waiting for laundry. Secondly, should there be no water, or more than likely you are simply to lazy and or hungover to wash them, the Aegis Microbeshield coating keeps them smelling fresh days after other would have given up the ghost.
A Nickythump Top 10 pick.
$26.00 (as of June 11, 2016, 6:09 pm)