Goldsource GS-20 American to German Grounded Plug Adapter

$4.45 (as of September 11, 2016, 11:36 pm)

  • Grounded 2 prong adapter plug for 220 volt power outlets in Continental Europe
  • France, Spain & Holland grounded adapter
  • Germany, Austria & Greece grounded adapter
  • Asia, Africa, India
  • Parts of South America


One Adapter To Rule Them All

This little three prong to two prong adapter will cover much of the known world. Pair it with the Asium Travel Outlet and power all your gear off one plug.

– Nick

Grounded, European 2 round pin adapter plug accepts American, British or Australian 3 prong adapters and converts them to the European style electrical plug.

Grounded 2 prong adapter plug for 220 volt power outlets in Continental Europe

France, Spain & Holland grounded adapter
Germany, Austria & Greece grounded adapter
Scandanavia grounded adapter
Most of Asia, parts of South America, Africa & China grounded adapter.

$4.45 (as of September 11, 2016, 11:36 pm)Buy From Amazon

$7.97 Buy From Amazon