Thank god for the rains. I just about couldn’t take anymore. The people. The mass of people – swarming and pressing fluidly up stairways and around columns – I feel like a drop of water in a surging sea of brown bodies.… Read More

Everybody needs a fix. I don’t care if it’s a simple cup of coffee, a cigarette, or a kale and blueberry smoothie with a shot of wheatgrass, everybody seems to need a kick in the ass sometimes.

It’s no different in he rest of the world.… Read More

Independence Day in Delhi was celebrated with kites, cakes, and sandbag gun emplacements.  While the cakes were decent, I wanted the hell out.… Read More

‘What’s the cheapest room you have?’

‘Well…we have some rooms in the back that are mostly used by Afganhi war refugees, but you probably wouldn’t wan…’

‘I’ll take it.’… Read More


What do I do when I’ve run out of boxes?
No, boxes. For letters. On this form you gave me.
I have no more boxes, and still like half the…nevermind.
I’ll just say I’m going to Trivandrum.… Read More