Here, within sight of the beach and the hundreds of cheering onlookers it felt as if it might all unravel at the very end. The final hurdle of getting through the last line of breakers and on up to the sandbar seems impossible.… Read More

I’ve always known that a drowning man will pull down their rescuer to save themselves.

I understand it, that final animalistic will to live overriding everything else. At the time there is only that moment – survival or death. Guilt and judgement can come later, and from the safety of shore.… Read More

I always imagined saving a life would be a clean, heroic act. A trying moment after which one could, exhausted, bask in the praise of a job well done.

In practice, covered in my own vomit, and filled with unexpected guilt, I found myself unable to meet the hollow gaze of the young man I had just pulled from the sea.Read More